SBC News Mindway AI to help prevent addictions in the Greek gambling industry

Mindway AI to help prevent addictions in the Greek gambling industry

Mindway AI has signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Hellenic Gaming Commission regarding issues related to responsible gambling.

The pair seek to enhance the protection of players, and prevent gambling addictions in the Greek gambling industry.

They will also elaborate on the risk assessment methodology applied to assess whether a player is about to develop problem gambling behaviour. 

Rasmus Kjaergaard, CEO of Mindway AI, noted: “We are pleased that the Hellenic Gaming Commission has shown us the trust to collaborate with us utilising our in-depth scientific expertise and potentially our award-winning player protection software built on a unique combination of neuroscience, AI, and human psychologists’ assessments.”

The company also highlighted how its player protection software was originally developed to be implemented by operators as an early detector of problematic gambling behaviour., but its has found that it might be used across an entire market as well.  

“The idea of using our expertise and maybe our software across a full market gambling jurisdiction in Greece is exciting and innovative,” continued Kjaergaard.

“Together with the Hellenic Gambling Commission, we intend to co-create the needed adjustments to adapt to the extra requirements that may occur when this new approach can cover a whole  market and not solely individual operators.”

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