Racing Post’s charity campaign was launched on Friday afternoon with the unveiling of a giant saddle cloth at Cheltenham racecourse.
The campaign titled #SupportOurJockeys is promoting the causes of the Injured Jockeys Fund (IJF) and Irish Injured Jockeys (IIJ).
Ruby Walsh, Chairman of the Irish Injured Jockeys Fund Ltd and winner of last year’s Racing Post Arkle on Un De Sceaux, is one of the famous names showing his support for the campaign. He said: “The enthusiasm shown for the #SupportOurJockeys initiative just keeps on growing. Funds raised make a big difference to the lives of injured jockeys supported by our charities and we’re pleased to be involved for another year.”
Racing Post Editor Bruce Millington said: “Not only is this a fun way to get involved in the Racing Post Arkle, it’s a show of support for the tireless work that the Injured Jockeys Fund and Irish Injured Jockeys do for our sport.”
Anyone re-tweeting @RacingPost and #SupportOurJockeys will trigger a £1 donation (for every unique retweet up to a £10,000 total) from Racing Post to the IJF and IIJ – and enter the draw to have their @name on an Arkle entrant’s saddle and paddock cloth for the race at 2.10pm on Tuesday 15th March, day one of the Festival.
Every runner will carry a group of lucky race fans on its back and a total of up to 10,000 Twitter IDs will be paraded on the winner’s rug.
Lisa Hancock, Chief Executive of the IJF, which provides care, compassion and financial help to injured jockeys in the UK, said: “This is a fantastic and rare chance for fans to have their names galloping down the famous Cheltenham racecourse, so I’d encourage everyone to get involved and give our jockeys the help they deserve along the way.”
Sophia Dale, Communications Manager of the south west region of The Jockey Club, stated: “We’re delighted to be able to offer the beautiful setting of Cheltenham Racecourse for the Racing Post’s campaign which engages fans and, most importantly, is for a great cause.”