It is not every day that you see a global company still gleaming with the start-up entrepreneurship spirit that has brought it the international recognition it enjoys today.
It is even more unlikely to see that same spirit embodied by the company’s CEO, who is still channelling through the excitement of leading a team through its first steps – albeit now being far from it, with seasoned industry veterans engraved into the business’ structure exuding confidence from years upon years of success.

Well, this is the case with Simon Lidzén, the CEO of B2B SaaS igaming company Fast Track, who was more than eager to share the delight that his professional environment and colleagues bring him – in a 30 minutes video focusing on Fast Track’s 10-year growth journey.
At the start of the video, Lidzén explained that he views success as the process of setting certain goals and then successfully achieving them, whether in his professional or personal life.
One of those goals for Fast Track has been the launch of Rewards, which is a promotional ecosystem integrating CRM with gamification to achieve engaging and personalised player experiences.
In Lidzén’s words, two people can have vastly different experiences when logging into Rewards, which will adapt to the individual consumer behaviours and ways to play – drawing inspiration from the CEO’s motto of setting one’s goals and then achieving them.
“Rewards is a unique product,” he said. “We’re delivering a player experience. But there’s so much more behind it.
“It has the capacity to deliver levelling and progression systems, virtual currencies, missions and challenges – all of the most exciting promotional capabilities that you can ever imagine as an operator.”
Rewards is just one of the fruits that is being picked as a result of a strong workplace culture that incentivises hard work and self-intiative.
Through 2024, Fast Track underwent internal restructuring. Instead of looking for a solution from the outside, Lidzén explained that he and management opted for investing into people already there that have proven to represent everything that the company stands for.
“That has been the best decision ever,” he said. “We have seen the emergence of strong leaders.”
The trust in staff and the strong work culture has cultivated a team that likes to dance, Lidzén added, reminiscing of the last company party and the lack of space on the dancefloor – light years away from the early days when the small Swedish team observed shyly from the sideline.
In 2025, Lidzén said that he believes Fast Track will continue to dance towards success driven by the high ambitions of everyone at the company, guided by a “clear vision, clear direction and a clear structural foundation” that are still keeping their start-up spirit ablaze.
To hear more about Fast Track and why a company CEO should consider being involved in their company’s recruitment process, watch the full video here.