Casino technology provider Ainsworth Game Technology is set to enter the social gambling market, with the upcoming launch of its Players Paradise Casino, scheduled for release in January.
Danny Gladstone Ainsworth GT Chief Executive said that the company could no longer afford to ignore the fast growing market, which had seen other land based casino competitors successfully enter
“Whilst our timing to enter this market is behind our major competitors, it has provided the company with the ability to develop a quality mobile offering complete with improved mobile technologies which now account for over 50 per cent of revenues in this online segment,”
“It is the company’s intention to launch a second social casino during 2015 which will provide unique mobile and tablet game offerings.”
Gladstone’s comments were supported by Ainsworth Game Technology Chairman and Founder Len Ainsworth who stated that social media technologies could create new loyal casino audiences for its land based and real money gaming propositions
“Over the past 12 months our digital strategy has been established to service the key market segments of real money wagering and social casino gaming and participate in these revenue opportunities,” Ainsworth added