SBC News FDJ scores 100% as SBF-120 equal opportunities employer 

FDJ scores 100% as SBF-120 equal opportunities employer 

Groupe FDJ has ranked as the fourth most female-inclusive employer of the Paris Euronext Exchange’s SBF120 – Société des Bourses Françaises 120 Index.   

The achievement was disclosed by France’s Ministry for Equality and Diversity, which requires the governors of SBF-120 to undertake a yearly evaluation of equal opportunities offered by France’s biggest companies.

The eighth edition of the SBF-120’s ‘female opportunities ranking’, saw FDJ maintain its 100% score on gender equality carried across all management levels of its organisation.

SBF-120 governors praised FDJ for its leadership awareness of equality matters and its proactive approach to fixing ‘pay-gap divides’.

Furthermore, FDJ’s group HR and talent development units were praised for its comprehensive reviews of corporate policies promoting ‘professional equality between women and men’.

FDJ currently employs 42% of women in managerial positions, with its board of governance maintaining a 43% female participation.

“This ranking shows how much the FDJ group is a committed player in the field of equality between women and men.” – commented Stéphane Pallez, CEO of Groupe FDJ”

“It confirms our desire to implement an ambitious human resources policy to serve the performance of the company, but also the quality of life at work for all Group employees.”  

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