The iconic Hippodrome Casino, situated in London’s Leicester Square, has been chosen as the venue for the 2015 International Casino Conference (ICC), taking place on Monday 2nd February. Organised jointly by Clarion Events and the European Casino Association, the ICC serves as the curtain raiser to ICE – the world’s biggest B2B gaming event – which runs from 3rd-5th February at London’s ExCeL Centre.
ICE Marketing Director, Jo Mayer, said: “This is the first time that the International Casino Conference has been taken out of a conventional conference-style setting and we could not have wished for a more prestigious and appropriate venue than the Hippodrome. Following a three-year renovation programme costing £40m, the Hippodrome was named Casino Of The Year 2013, just six months after it opened. With a cabaret theatre attracting international stars including Dionne Warwick and Joss Stone and critically claimed restaurants and bars – there’s no doubt that the Hippodrome is no ordinary casino and a perfect venue at which to host our ICC delegates.”
Co-organised with the European Casino Association, the 2015 ICC will bring together Presidents, CEOs and Board Members of all of the largest casino groups in Europe. The Conference will provide delegates with a platform to exchange views on the most burning issues affecting the land-based industry while giving them access to key speakers including Harrie Temmink, Deputy Head, Online & Postal Unit, DG Internal Market & Services at the European Commission.
The ICC is one of eight targeted learning events that cover all of gaming’s vertical markets. Delegates can opt for an access-all-areas passport, which gives the freedom to explore the entire ICE Conferences programme or alternatively select a single conference of interest. In addition to the ICC the programme comprises: Betmarkets; Cross-Platform & Multi-Channel Gaming; Cybercrime, Security & Regulatory Compliance; Data Insight & Business Intelligence; Game Design & Development; Lotteries For The Future; and, World Regulatory Briefing.