Events company iGaming Business has confirmed and released the schedule for the London Affiliate Conference 2015. The largest affiliate event of the year, will take place between the 31st of January – 3rd of February 2015 at Olympia,London.
There are a number of fresh and improved discussion panels and presentations that will be held during LAC 2015 and aim to help business owners with key insights and tactics that they can use in their own business interactions.
Key highlights of the conference are as below:
Diagnosing and fixing a hacked site – live
Julia Logan a.k.a Irish Wonder, Founder, IrishWonder Conference Room 1 Day 1: 11.30 – 12.15 |
Bitcoin Gambling: How can affiliates take advantage Oron Barber, Co-founder & CEO, CoinPoint Services LTD Conference Room 1 |
Backing the right domain for international success Lloyd Cooke, Head of SEO, Latitude Digital Marketing Conference Room 1 Day 2: 14.00 – 14.35 |
What’s moving search results: A snapshot of what is driving major iGaming SERPS Joel Turner, Operations Director, BlueClaw Conference Room 1 Day 2: 12:20 – 12.55 |
Due to substantial growth in recent years and the move to a bigger venue, Alex Pratt, the Head of iGaming Business stated “We expect this to be one of the biggest events that we’ve had in recent years. It’s not unreasonable to be expecting over 3,500 people attending this year’s London Affiliate Conference.”
The Financial Partners Expo, the largest dedicated expo for affiliates and introducing brokers within the retail finance sector, will also be running alongside LAC 2015 for the second year running.
To view the full conference schedule, please visit
To find out more about the London Affiliate Conference, please visit