Today marks the conclusion of the annual boot camp titled “10:0 for people against addiction” in Bulgaria, created to support those affected by addictive behaviours, including people suffering from gambling harm.
Organised by community support groups ‘Rematch’ and ‘Help Against Addiction’, the three-day initiative saw its 10th consecutive edition held at the football complex Boyana in the capital city of Sofia, with the support of the Bulgarian Football Union.
It is a sports-therapeutic programme that offers people struggling with addiction, including gambling, a variety of physical activities, social skills seminars, the chance to participate in a football tournament, as well as a discussion titled “People before everything else”.
This year’s event was attended by more than 60 people from the Bulgarian cities of Varna, Gabrovo, Sofia, as well as members of the community currently living in Thessaloniki, Greece.
The opening ceremony took place this Wednesday, with special guests from Bulgaria’s Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Health, the Bulgarian Football Union, as well as staff from FC CSKA 1948 Sofia football club.