Governance of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has reiterated its determination to protect the integrity of sports across all levels of competition as an underlining core commitment.
The IOC states that it will continue to deepen its collaborative frameworks, which in 2019 saw the launch it’s United Against Corruption’ global campaign in partnership with the United Nations (UN).
Noting the complexities of combating sports corruption on a global scale, the IOC emphasises that deeper cooperation is needed between sports, police authorities and regulatory stakeholders to maximise ongoing integrity initiatives.
Highlighting cooperation as a key dynamic, the IOC points to the success of its ‘International Partnership against Corruption in Sport (IPACS)’ programme launched in 2017.
IPACS multi-stakeholder platform has been successful in bringing together international sports organisations, governments, inter-governmental organisations and other stakeholders, creating working frameworks to eliminate corruption and further promote a culture of good governance and best practice in sport.
Furthermore, IPACS success has seen the development of dedicated expert task forces work on a number of joint integrity issues ranging from sports monitoring, reducing athlete risk and improving sports infrastructure to ensure integrity.
Gearing up for a critical 2020, the IOC has launched its ‘Believe in Sports’ campaign to raise awareness of sports manipulation among athletes and sports officials.
Hosting its ’International Forum on Sports Integrity’ (IFSI) last October, in which 100 diverse sports stakeholders participated, IOC governance launched its Tokyo 2020 ‘Code of Conduct’. It forces competing athletes, officials and national federations to abide by the rules establishing its ‘Tokyo 2020 Betting Code‘.