SBC News Irish LBO restrictions cost the state €20m

Irish LBO restrictions cost the state €20m

euronoteandcoinsA retail expert has suggested that Ireland‘s archaic betting laws are costing the State more than €20m a year due to the restriction on the opening hours. David Fitzsimons of Retail Excellence Ireland has claimed the restriction forces betting shops to lose the equivalent of 500 jobs, which deprives the exchequer of €23.3m in lost PAYE and betting tax, and the increased welfare costs.

While the 1931 law, which forces shops to close over winter at 6.30pm, is set to be reformed by the Gaming (Amendments) Act, there is concern that it won’t be implemented in time to have an effect  later this year.

Fitzsimons is reported in the Irish Examiner as saying: “The law as it stands leads to the equivalent of 500 jobs lost every September. Bookies are an important part of the fabric of our town centres and should be allowed to stay open later all year round. It is important to ensure that this legislation goes through before the summer recess.”

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