eGaming Review’s next free breakfast briefing is entitled: “The digital war: Are you fighting on all fronts?” The briefing, which is free to attend for all eGR subscribers, is being held at Leicester Square’s Hippodrome Casino on 1 July. The event starts at 8.30am and runs until 10.15am.
The description of the event, which is sponsored by Zayo, reads: “From marketing to mobile, technology is changing the way egaming operators battle for market share, but have you got the knowledge and the tools to compete? Our expert panel discusses the changing digital marketing landscape, social media, big data and tablet strategy to ask what lies ahead for the sector.”
08.30 Registration and networking breakfast
09.10 Introduction from eGaming Review
09.15 Panel debate – The digital war: Are you fighting on all fronts?
10.00 Questions
10.15 Close of event
To register for the briefing go here.