SBC News Kindred aims to support ‘delivery of concrete actions’ with Women in Racing tie-up

Kindred aims to support ‘delivery of concrete actions’ with Women in Racing tie-up

Women in Racing has announced a partnership with Kindred Group and the Racing Foundation, with the two organisations supporting its ‘Racing Home’ project. 

As a result of the triple agreement, Nasdaq Stockholm-listed sports betting operator Kindred and the Racing Foundation will provide funding for the Racing Home initiative, which has an objective of being a ‘cultural leader in the sports world’ in assisting its participants with planning and raising a family.

Funding will be directed towards practical and educational recommendations made in the ‘Racing Home, Working Mothers in the Horseracing Industry’ report – informed by research by Dr Kate Clayton-Hathaway of Oxford Brookes University – including the creation of a ‘Racing Home’ portal to allow online industry access ot racing-specific and general material around motherhood.

Ed Nicholson, Head of Kindred Racing Communications and Sponsorship, said: “We are delighted to be able to support the important work Women in Racing are doing to benefit women in the horseracing industry. 

“At Kindred, we strongly believe that a diverse workforce enhances our performance, and we focus on improving our diversity across the group. We know that Women in Racing are instrumental to raising the awareness of diversity in the racing industry and we are pleased to be able to support the delivery of concrete actions to enhance the wellbeing of the industry.”

Additional caveats of the initiative will include ‘coffee mornings/community days and racecourse events encouraging discussions around pregnancy, maternity and family life and providing a network structure for parents. 

Pregnant mothers will be provided with support in re-entering equestrian sports, whilst the funding will also be channelled into working to promote the benefits of investment into working practices and parental quality of life to racing industry employers.

The partnership represents Kindred’s second major CSR move centred around horse racing over the past month, following on from its support for the ‘Racing is Everyone’s Sport’ campaign, conducted via its Unibet online sports betting brand.

“We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded funding from the Racing Foundation and Kindred Group who have supported the ‘Racing Home’ project since its inception,” added Tallulah Lewis, Women in Racing Chair.

“We are very grateful for the continued recognition by these two organisations and their support in delivering a more sustainable and welcoming racing industry for working mothers and parents. We are ready to get stuck in and work with the industry stakeholders to deliver these actions and look forward to sharing the results with you.”

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