Asian facing online bookmaker SBOBET has announced the launch of its new poker vertical on Microgaming’s poker network (MPN). SBOBET will join the shared MPN poker network with other sports betting operators Betway, PAF, Betsson and Stan James.
SBOBET poker product will be available on desktop and mobile, Microgaming further announced that SBOBET were the seventh operator to launch with their HTML5 mobile poker vertical.
“SBOBET are a huge operator in the online gaming industry; naturally we are thrilled to be adding such a well-known name to the MPN,” comments Alex Scott, Head of Poker at Microgaming.
“Our poker network has undergone a series of new and exciting changes in the last year and the hard work is definitely paying off as we see new operators join the network.”
With the addition of SBOBET, the MPN reinforces its position as one of the industry’s most progressive poker networks. In the past year the MPN has launched a series of live poker events, the MPN Poker Tour, changed its rules to allow any language to be spoken at the tables, and launched a blog offering an insight into how the network is run. The launch of SBOBET follows the announcement that Adjarabet migrated its poker traffic to Microgaming using Babelfish technology in February.